Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mama , Baba I Love You

Mama , Baba I love you so much and I miss you so much <3

I love you more than everything in this earth.
sometimes i cry because i miss you both of you, although we are calling on phone everyday.
Thanks for everything that you do for me till now, i know it not easy to take care of me or keep an eye on me.

Before i fall asleep , i always think about you, i hope you are healthy and happy at there :)
why i write this because now i thinking about my family <3

Today story :)

Hi bloggers :)

Today,we all roommates wake up late and missed PAD 252 class. This is because we are really-really tired. We are going one class for today that is entrepreneur class, what is we study in ENT class is a financial plan for our proposal plan. Our proposal only 30% complete, there is 70% complete before final come.
Bad story is when we don't have response from the company that we want to interview for our Bellam course. We choose the company because it listed on KLSE, we already call that company and sent email to them to make an appointment that tell them we want do on this friday but till now we don't get response. hurm :(
This saturday we have ENT forum and i can't go back home, I really miss my family, cats, etc. So many work that i must settle down before final.Wish me luck for test, quiz and presentation and good luck to my all classmates.
Lastly, good night all ^^, sweet dreams :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Miss You, Sister :)

First of all, i only have two siblings including me and im the youngest or last one,
My sister is the first one, her name is Farhana Ema , 24 years old. She now worked as a teacher at SK Kapit, Sarawak , actually she just started teaching on January, before this she studied at Maktab Perguruan Tawau for five years.
I really miss her, i hope she fine at there and always healthy. I always wish and pray for the best for you, sister.
I can't wait to see you on this coming March, i can't join together with our family to see you graduate this March because i must face my final exam. :(

This is a picture of my sister :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

We are roommates !

I'm very grateful because i got roommates like them also i call them my soul sister and my BFF !
We always together go to eat, class and outing :)
Them always made my day. them know who i am.

Thanks for the advice, encouragement and the words of the spirit that you all gave to me , i really appreciate. We share anythings our story .

I don't know what i would do without a great friends like you all and you all are best buddy i have ever had. i would climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest sea, walk across the hottest desert just to tell you how incredibly special our friendship to me.

*Smile, hug and kiss for my roommates*

What just i'm doing today :)

Hello guys :)
Today i'm wake up late , because i'm very tired outing with them that i call "Soul Sister" yesterday. I'm very happy outing with them at One Borneo, we are watching "The Grey" , lunch at Sushi King , shopping together .
I just want to share what i was doing today.Ili, Adiza and me going to buy food for our lunch at RV or River View. Just the three of us because Erina outing with her boyfriend and Zura was not at hostel , hahahahahahahaha
After that, we are doing our group proposal for ENT 300 and individual assignment that must we sent this monday.
Now im just update this blog, open facebook and twitter while listening to music.
In conclusion, hahahaha, today is a boring day for me because i don't know what to do, actually so many work that can i do but im very lazy today ! hurm

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Running man

Do you know what Running man is?
Running man is Korean a variety show. We can watch running man on OneHD , we also can download it from internet.

For me , running man is the funniest variety show that i have been watched and it have a many episode.
Running man is the classified as an 'Urban action variety'. The main MC of the program is
Yu Jae Suk.
The members in Running man are Ji Suk Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Gary,HaHa, Lee Kwang Su , Song Ji Hyo,Lizzy and Song Jong ki.
Every episode have a missions such as race missions, road races, staple missions , other missions and fake missions.
This variety show had been achieved many awards and achievements.
I like watch running man because it make me laugh, hahahahaha, and i like the members of running man especially So Jong ki :) :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Always in my heart

whatever happen you always in my heart <3

i do love you,

you always care for me,

you give everything what i want,

whatever i do, you always support me

understand me,

even though you mad at me because you love me

always do the best for me

and so many things you do for my goodness until now <3

Do you know who ?

Them that i call "MAMA AND BABA"


I cannot thank you enough for all the support and love you have given me.I never
would have made it here without you.

Thanks for always supporting me and believing in me, You are my role models

Thanks for being whenever i needed it

Thanks for support my studies and paying for my tuition

You have given me the greatest gift of all, education and the freedom of choice

Thank you very much to mama and baba for all what you do for me until now.

I am proud to be your son and thank god everyday that i have Mama and Baba likes you :)

Thank you for all you've done for me. I certainly would not be where I am today without
your love, support, and understanding.

Someday i will find my charming , but 'MAMA AND BABA' will always be

Tenth Malaysia Plan

I just want to share a little bit about Tenth Malaysia Plan, actually this my title for Pad310 presentation this week.

First of all, The Tenth Malaysia Plan also know as 10MP was announced by the Prime Minister on 10th Jun 2010 is indeed a very comprehensive plan for the country going forward 2011 to 2015.
This is critical for the continuation of the national agenda to realise Vision 2020 and become an advanced and high income nation. Besides that, 10MP is also a comprehensive blueprint prepared by the Economic Planning Unit(EPU) of the Prime Minister's Department to allocate the national budget from the year 2011 to 2015 to all economic sectors in Malaysia.

The Government has allocated RM230bil for development expenditure under the 10MP. The allocation will comprise 55% for the economic sector, 30% for social sector, 10% for security sector and 5% for general administration.

that all about 10MP :)
If you want to know more about 10MP , you may visit this:

(: Thank you :)

I am who I am, accept me, reject me, but i'm still me

First of all, my name is Farah Erlinda hamdan :)

I love my family
I love my friends
I love outing
I am happy go lucky person
I love to laugh
I love to eat
I love to tweet
If I say I love you, i do love you
A loving person
Patient, but sometimes :)
I love cats
I love gadgets
I like bully people but sometimes
I like study last minutes
I love colors *pink, black, dark green etc*
I love making more friends
I don't like reading, but I love calculation

If you know me, close to me , you will know who i am :)


Sunday, February 5, 2012


First and foremost, I’m thankful for God,
who has given me my life and everything in it, while I sometimes get frustrated with my family and the way things in my life are going, I know that God has a plan out there for me and always provided me with everything I need and without God I obviously wouldn’t even be here.

Second and also very important,
I’m thankful for my friends and the people who care about me. I’ve been blessed with some amazing people in my life and honestly I wouldn’t get very far at all without them, the friends who are always there for me and who can sometimes see through the disguise of my saying I’m fine when really I’m not ok at all. The friends who I know would (and who have) done anything for me. I can’t even describe how blessed I am to have them in my life and my thankfulness can’t be put into words.

I’m thankful for living in "Bumi di bawah bayu ".
I’m thankful for being blessed to live in a place where I’ve never gone hungry or gone to bed without a roof over my head.

. I’m thankful for my cell phone and the internet
to keep me in touch with my friends all over the country and even the world.

I’m thankful for my laptop which I spend quite a bit (possibly too much) time on.

I’m thankful for the privilege of being able to go to college and get an education that will help me in the future.

I’m thankful for how amazing the college I attend is and how beautiful it appears.

I’m thankful for being able to live in the dorms where I’ve met some of my closest friends and people I know I will care for and treasure forever.

<3 <3 <3 <3
Hope ♥

Advice for all boys

- Girls do not like guys who constantly lie to impress them. Tell the truth and you’ll never have to worry about getting caught in a lie.

- Be protective, but not overprotective. Don’t control her every move, and don’t let her control you.

- Notice the little things, like when she gets a haircut, or wears her hair a different way.

- Smell nice and keep a clean, smart appearance.

- Hold doors for her, old-fashioned courtesy is not dead!

- Make her feel like you want to take care of her.

- Tell her when you are thinking about her.

- surprise her with a little gift every so often.

- Make an effort to get along with her friends. Be friendly, but don’t flirt with them. Your girlfriend could easily be hurt by this.

- Avoid fights, arguments, and disagreements with her friends!

- Always tell her that she is the only girl in your life.

- Let her make some decisions too, like where to go on a date. If she asks you to decide, do so.

- Treat her well. Don’t ignore her. Respect the fact that girls need to hang out with their friends.

- Don’t try to make her jealous, or suggest that she may be jealous.

- Be romantic.

- Don’t tell her you think other girls are hot, even if she asks your opinion.

- Tell her you’ve been thinking about her all day.

- Talk about your future with her, if it’s what you both want.

- Answer her phone calls…and don’t complain that she woke you up.

Best Friends

Best friend are always there for you.

They’re your “two am”, the person you can call anytime. Day or night. You would do anything for them and you know they’d do the same for you. No matter what, no matter the distance, you’ll always be there for each other.
Unfortunately, not everyone has a best friend and for those people I am truly sorry. Others have several people they consider their best friends. People who they can tell anything and be themselves with and always count on. I am one of the blessed people who can honestly say I have several best friends. I’ve been very blessed in that area of my life and I literally thank God everyday for this. Without my friends, I don’t know where I would be right now, they have saved me and helped me in more ways than they can know. Unfortunately, most of my best friends are over 1,000 miles away from me at the moment and some of them I haven’t seen in quite a while but I know that it doesn’t matter how long you go without seeing a friend, if they’re truly a best friend, you’ll always be able to pick up right where you left off. That’s another wonderful thing about the friendships I have, all of us are strong in our faith which is a great comfort to me. Even if we never again are able to be face to face on this earth,
I really miss them <3 <3

and Now !
i found persons that i call them "my soul sisters" actually we've been friends since i enter UiTM. At the beginning our relationship is not as close like now. Now we laugh together, eat together , walk together , spend time together etc. I love them , i hope our relationship will never end :)

To all my best friends I LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3
I will never forget you all , no matter what, no matter the distance , i'll be there for you all <3
for my best friends in high school, i never forget you all guys , i really really miss you !

Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

- I don’t expect you to trust me automatically. Instead, I’ll earn your trust and show you that I’ll always be faithful to you and our family, no matter what.

- No matter how much I feel worried for you, I will always trust you, alright? Always.

- Let’s live happily ever after.

- I’ll never talk down to you or make fun of you to others. You are my most favorite thing.

- I’ve been SO distracted by you lately, and I don’t even know who you are yet!

- Your hug will mean the world to me.
I will feel loved and protected; cherished, honored, respected, comforted, safe, secure, admired, beautiful, and happy. The list goes on and on.
I love you.

- Let’s be one of those cute old couples that inspire teenagers to live purely.

- Let’s go adventuring

- “Husband.” I can’t wait for the day that I can put a name and a face with that word.

- I want to see the world with you.

- I really hope you love to travel, because I want to see the world with you. I would even love to just drive across the continent, living out of our car. As long as I get to see everything the world has to offer with you.

- Sometimes, I think there’s no way I’ll ever be able to be a proper helpmate for anyone. Please forgive me when I fail.

- I pray that I can be the friend you need, the girlfriend you desire, and the wife you deserve.

I'm Afraid To FALL !

I'm afraid to fall ?


That was still one of the hardest things i've ever gone through, enough so that as much as i hate it, it made me than a little bit fearful to fall in love again.
People who’ve never had a broken heart don’t realize that the term broken heart is an understatement. It’s more like having your heart ripped out, stepped on, stabbed and tossed out and then parts of it put back in your body. It’s literally the worst thing ever… And it makes me scared. About several things. I’m scared to fall in love again and be hurt again, but I’m scared if I don’t listen to my feelings that I’ll miss something awesome…
I just wish I knew right now who I was going to end up with.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Happy Sunday :)

Happy sunday bloggers :)

Good morning !

enjoy your weekend :) do activities that give you benefits.

Today, i don't have any plan to do , maybe just spend time at home with family, watching television with them and doing activities that give me benefits.
i start my day with a smile on my face :)
i get up and looked at my mum and dad face, i am very happy to see their face in the morning :)
I miss my sister that is now in Kapit, Sarawak, i hope you are healthy at there.
<3 <3 <3 <3

10 Things I Love About you :)

1. I love how you always make me smile

2. I love how you always make me laugh

3. I love how you accept me for who i am.

4. I love how we can talk and chat for hours

5. I love how you miss me.

6. I love the way you say 'Hello' and 'Good morning'.

7. I love when i make you angry

8. I love the way how my heart races uncontrollably every time i see you online.

9. I love when we are texting

10. I love when you made my day.

Someone asked me what the happiest day of my life was, as I closed my eyes and felt a tear slide down my face I thought back to the day where you first told me you loved me.


sometimes love can hit you every day, sometimes you can fall for everyone you see, but only one can really make me stay, a sign from the sky !

I'hv been looking for that special one, and i've been searching for someone to give my love, and when i thought that all the hope was gone!

i always will remember how i felt that day, a feeling indescribable to me !


I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERINA TAHIR !!
May Allah Bless You :)

Now, you are 20 years old, but still young bhaaa !
I hope we can celebrate together next week with E.A.F.I.A :)
No need to give you gifts la kan? hahahahaha,
20 already kan,
but i try find something special for you !

<3 I LOVE YOU <3

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Well January of the new year just passed, and know i say hello to February :)

What have i learned in this month of January ? that i have learned more or just same! hihihhihhihihih

* When I am full of love, the atmosphere around me is shifted and warmed because of it. It is reflected back.
* when I am cold and isolate myself, I am alone and it is cold
*Therefore, I determine my day and the atmosphere in my world
*Continue to shine my light regardless of anyone notices
*Not everything that glitters is gold
*When people show who they are, accept it for what it is
*"Two feet no pressure" be careful who I bring into my heartspace.
*some smiles and kind words bring daggers. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
*Pray for those who persecute you
*reconsider who I call a "friend"
*the only person I can change is myself
*the definition of unconditional love
*when you give in to negativity, consider who is rejoicing because of it.
*my gut feeling is always on point
*just love

NOW, im ready for FEBRUARY , i feel pounds stronger!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Four weeks before final exam !

Seriously, time passing so quickly and i did not notice there is four weeks left before our final exam, huh. I have not study and like to study last minutes. What I do for last minutes study is firstly, I take a pieces a paper to write down a point form notes, second is do with my own words to write also I check my notes with lecture notes etc. After i write down all the important point , I will read it back to make sure I know what i write down. For me, doing my own notes is easy to understand and it is easy to refer back if we don't have enough time to check textbooks.
But it not easy to last minutes study, I shouldn't wait till last minutes to study because i have to remember so many fact , case etc. For calculation subject I like doing past years paper to make me know understand the calculation, I also refer past years question to know format the questions.
Now,i scared because only four weeks left before final exam !


im begin with. .
Hi bloggers, today my day is same as usual, going to class, eat, sleep, online etc. I like to tweet and i just wanted to drop my twitter name that is farah erlinda or @lyinda92, to bloggers that have twitter account you don't forget to follow me :). Twitter just a place where i can connect with my friends , cousin or others . This also same with facebook where i can connect with others. As we all knows everyone love connecting each others. It depends on you what kind of connections you have or want to have. I active more on twitter than facebook because i think twitter is better. Twitter just don't have chatting,not like facebook that easy to connect each others.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Always Be Mine

I hear you breathe
You're lying close to me
The shadows gone
I have found my peace

You make me calm
With you I'm safe from harm
And right by your side
I'll stay through the night 'til eternity
That's the way it will be

And I wonder what you're dreaming of
You're so peaceful when you sleep
Everything I want everything I need is lying here in front of me

And if I ever lose my power to fly
Then your love takes me high
I'll always be true to you
Sometimes I think I might lose it all
Guess the chances are small
'Cause you hold me close I feel you near
Don't let go say you'll always be here
So just hold me tight and I'll be fine
Dreaming you will always be mine

Just like the sun
You make me warm inside
Like a soft summer breeze
A moment to seize
So true I won't stop loving you
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/f/ft_island/always_be_mine.html ]
And I wonder what you're dreaming of
You're so peaceful when you sleep
Everything I want everything I need is lying here in front of me

And if I ever lose my power to fly
Then your love takes me high
I'll always be true to you
Sometimes I think I might lose it all
Guess the chances are small
'Cause you hold me close I feel you near
Don't let go say you'll always be here
So just hold me tight and I'll be fine
Dreaming you will always be mine

And I wonder what you're dreaming of
You're so peaceful when you sleep
Everything I want everything I need is lying here in front of me

And if I ever lose my power to fly
Then your love takes me high
I'll always be true to you
Sometimes I think I might lose it all
Guess the chances are small
'Cause you hold me close I feel you near
Don't let go say you'll always be here
So just hold me tight and I'll be fine
Dreaming you will always be mine

Just hold me tight and I'll be fine
Dreaming you will always be mine

Monday, January 9, 2012

Relationship with parents

#1 : never be disrespectful to parents. Do not say a harsh word to them
#2 : Whenever you see them, greet them
#3 : If you are living with them, take their permission before
#4 : Be kind, respectful and helpful to the friends of your parents
#5 : Always be cheerful in their presence
#6 : Speak kindly and tenderly with them
#7 : Be humble in their presence
#8 : Always endeavor to keep them happy
#9 : When they question you, do not inconvenience them delaying your reply.
#10 : Even in their absence speak highly and respectfully of them.

Them always in my heart

"The family is the Country of the heart. There is an angel in the Family who, by the mysterious influence of grace, of sweetness, and of love, renders the fulfillment of duties less wearisome, sorrows less bitter. The only pure joys unmixed with sadness"

Bedroom design that i like

20 Places that i want to go before die

#1 : Makkah
#2 : Paris
#3 : Korea
#4 : Ice Land
#5 : Koh Lipe (Thailand)
#6 : Istria (Croatia)
#7 : North Columbia
#8 : London
#9 : New Zealand
#10 : Mongolia
#11 : Barcelona
#12 : San Francisco
#13 : New York City
#14 : Miami Beach
#15 : San Diego
#16 : Hawaii
#17 : China
#18 : Sweden
#19 : Tokyo (Japan)
#20 : Istambul (Turkey)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

hello :) , first of all, this is my second blog for BELAM, actually my first blog is not really active since 2010 because i don't know what i want to share or post. Seriously, i'm still don't know what i want to share.
I want to talk about my assessment one that i have been done. I present about Telekom Malaysia as my company that i want to promote. As you all know, Telekom Malaysia Bhd also known as a 'TM' , this company was the first leading telecommunication company in Malaysia. Previously, this company was under a government body and called as a JTM, but the Department was change to incorporation and privatization of Telekom Malaysia on October 12, 1984. TM has been listed on Bursa Malaysia on 9 Sept 1990. That's some information about TM :)
I'm still nervous to present in front my classmates even thought i know them .

We Need To Laugh More !

why we need to laugh ? this is because laughter lifts us up. Life becomes worth living. We stress less and enjoy other people more. We become fully present in the moment.

Through laughter we cope with our fear and anger :D
It reduces aggression and conflict :D
Balancing Your Lifestyle :D
Team Building for Lasting Results :D
Creating a Safe Work Environment :D and etc